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 Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"

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6 participants
Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 728
Age : 42
Localisation : Alger (Algérie)
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyDim 23 Juil - 3:33

Hi everybody Coucou ,

I open this new topic to get you informed about Emmanuel's actuality.
Do you know that Emmanuel had participated in a song to fight against aids, with others French singers, the title of the song "L'or de nos vies" to reload it go to http://www.ecompil.fr/main/catalog/artist/view.html?id=410950

A very generous man isn't Question Question Question

I'm waiting for your opinions Fleur

Amitié Bisous
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Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 509
Age : 36
Localisation : Portugal
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyDim 23 Juil - 15:26

Thanks yasmine!!
I already knew about it and I think it was very kind of Emmanuel to be a part of this project which is SO important.
He has shown once again that not only he's a great professional, who uses the power of his art to do important things, but also that he's a man who is aware and cares about important things!
He is really awesome!

Kisses and thanks again yasmine!
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Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 728
Age : 42
Localisation : Alger (Algérie)
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyDim 23 Juil - 23:08

Absolutely, i'm agree with you AnaPortugal Amitié Bisous

I do it with a great pleasure Fleur
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Fan Accro
Fan Accro

Nombre de messages : 114
Age : 36
Localisation : Portugal
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyLun 24 Juil - 0:50

Thank's Yasmine!
I already knew too, and I think that is really great that he participate's in this kind of project's! Show's that he has a big heart Love and the world need's people like him, that use the power and the influence that they have to make a difference and help in subjects that really matter! Thanks Emmanuel! thumright
If we all did just a little bit to help, the world would be much better!

Big kisses! Fleur
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Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 728
Age : 42
Localisation : Alger (Algérie)
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyLun 24 Juil - 23:11

Yes, if all men were like Emmanuel, it will be GREAT and may be THE PERFECT WORLD Cool

Amitié Bisous
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Nombre de messages : 16
Localisation : England (wishing I spoke French!)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyMar 25 Juil - 12:14

Yeah I saw this video on youtube.com a few days ago and loved it.

I think it's great that he's part of such a great cause. Shows that he really cares
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Fan Accro
Fan Accro

Nombre de messages : 81
Age : 38
Localisation : angleterre
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyLun 11 Mai - 15:16

Hey thats great and very kind of him to be involved with such a good cause.

I am a new fan only found out about him a few weeks ago i am a french student and so am always looking into french music and culture etc but Emmanuel really stood out at me and i can see why he has such an appeal not just for his music but this is such a good cause for him to support.
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Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 278
Age : 39
Localisation : Allemagne / Germany
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2009

Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" EmptyJeu 16 Juil - 2:06

Emmanuel's support regarding this topic is remarkable.
He is an angel in every way.
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Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"   Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS" Empty

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Emmanuel's participation in "FIGHT AIDS"
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