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 pen pals

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2 participants
Mega Fan
Mega Fan

Nombre de messages : 278
Age : 39
Localisation : Allemagne / Germany
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2009

pen pals Empty
MessageSujet: pen pals   pen pals EmptyMar 2 Fév - 2:56

Salut à tous,

maybe you are interested in finding penpals who are fans of Emmanuel Moire and who love to send real letters. Just let me know and we collect the fans who are interested in that.

Anna Maria

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Nouveau Fan
Nouveau Fan

Nombre de messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2013

pen pals Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pen pals   pen pals EmptyJeu 4 Juil - 0:10

Me, I would like to Wink

I'm looking for a penpal since many months and that's a good opportunity ^^
So, maybe someone will accept to discuss with me by real letters Wink
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