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Le deal à ne pas rater :
BODUM Bistro Set : Théière filtre 1 L + 2 gobelets double paroi en ...
19.99 € 39.90 €
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 Can someone please, please translate this!?

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3 participants
Nouveau Fan
Nouveau Fan

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 33
Localisation : Pays-bas
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2008

Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty
MessageSujet: Can someone please, please translate this!?   Can someone please, please translate this!? EmptyLun 11 Fév - 16:27

My name is Rianne and i come from the Netherlands, last year when I was in france i bought the cd of 'le roi soleil' now I really want to have the dvd of the show so I looked for the dvd on the internet, and I found a copy of the dvd on ebay that I really, really want so i ordered it on ebay.
Now comes the problem: I selected the wrong payment methode Rire. I want to pay per 'paypal' but I selected something else. Very stupid I know Razz

I want to tell the seller so that we can arrange something but i'm afraid the seller only speaks french and not english! so i want to send my email in frech. I can come up with the right words but my grammar is quite bad since my last french class was 2 years ago, so please can someone help me to translate my letter? Fleur
Thank you so much in advance!

My email:
yesterday i ordered in your shop the dvd; LE ROI SOLEIL (NOUVELLE EDITION) - 2 DVD - NEUF unfortunately i selected the wrong payment methode. I would like to pay with paypal, and not with the methode i selected. I'm really sorry for my stupidity but i'm new at ebay.
I hope you understand my problem, and I hope we can arrange something together!
- Rianne
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Extrem' Fan
Extrem' Fan

Nombre de messages : 191
Age : 52
Localisation : Picardie/Paris
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2007

Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Can someone please, please translate this!?   Can someone please, please translate this!? EmptyLun 11 Fév - 17:02

yesterday i ordered in your shop the dvd; LE ROI SOLEIL (NOUVELLE EDITION) - 2 DVD - NEUF unfortunately i selected the wrong payment methode. I would like to pay with paypal, and not with the methode i selected. I'm really sorry for my stupidity but i'm new at ebay.
I hope you understand my problem, and I hope we can arrange something together!
- Rianne

En français :

Hier j'ai commandé dans votre magasin le DVD "Le Roi Soleil (Nouvelle édition) - 2 DVD - NEUF. Malheureusement, j'ai sélectionné le mauvais paiement. J'aimerais payer avec paypal et pas avec la le moyen que j'ai choisi. Je suis vraiment désolée pour cette bêtise (it's better I think that "my stupidity"), mais je suis nouvelle sur ebay.
J'espère que vous comprendrez mon problème et que nous pourrons trouver un arrangement.
Je vous remercie beaucoup à l'avance.
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Nouveau Fan
Nouveau Fan

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 33
Localisation : Pays-bas
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2008

Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Can someone please, please translate this!?   Can someone please, please translate this!? EmptyLun 11 Fév - 18:16

Thank you very much! Fleur
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Nombre de messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2007

Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Can someone please, please translate this!?   Can someone please, please translate this!? EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:41

it's normal to help you.
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Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Can someone please, please translate this!?   Can someone please, please translate this!? Empty

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Can someone please, please translate this!?
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